Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another 10!

Crater Lake! Spectacular.

Our good friend came for a visit. See what happens when you come to Southern Oregon.

Two many photos - not enough disk space.
Everyone gets in the act. This is a Stellar Jay also know as a Camp Robber. First Clem was concerned about a turd on his camera then it was the bird flu.

Our first new snowshoe experience doesn't get any better than this!

or this!
Clem in the distance setting up for a shot. His photos are even better but you will have to go to the next slide show to see them.
House update.
Now we have yellow.
This is the stuff they put on for the soffits. The stucco is next.
They put felt on the sides and then add a wire mesh over the top.

Time for dinner. See you next week.


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