Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another 10!

Crater Lake! Spectacular.

Our good friend came for a visit. See what happens when you come to Southern Oregon.

Two many photos - not enough disk space.
Everyone gets in the act. This is a Stellar Jay also know as a Camp Robber. First Clem was concerned about a turd on his camera then it was the bird flu.

Our first new snowshoe experience doesn't get any better than this!

or this!
Clem in the distance setting up for a shot. His photos are even better but you will have to go to the next slide show to see them.
House update.
Now we have yellow.
This is the stuff they put on for the soffits. The stucco is next.
They put felt on the sides and then add a wire mesh over the top.

Time for dinner. See you next week.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

No Photos

Not much to share this week. The water pressure tank is in and we hope to have water next week, but that doesn't make for a very exciting photo. Next week the plan is to finish the roof (weather permitting) and start the stucco process.

I am continuing to train for the Pear Blossom run. At the group run on Saturday, I ran 8 miles with a 7th grader. An interesting juxtaposition. Mary had to stop and 'stretch' a couple of times. I think I wore her out. Made me feel pretty good given the age gap.

I start a new job as a business analyst tomorrow with a company called Musician's Friend. I'm thrilled to be going back to work... It should be interesting. They are direct marketers of music gear.

Gary will continue to manage the house project and may be making an emergency granite hunting trip to check out a new piece of granite we found online.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Snow Zone

1.4" of snow this week
Not much going on at the house.
The storms are fun to watch.
The view looking SE.
Maybe spring will bring more sunshine.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Not a whole lot going on this week. Given the lack of content, here is a quiz for you.

1) What do you think this photo represents?

A. The cover of the latest music album
B. The twilight zone
C. A black eye

2) How do you think this happened to this person?

a. He was just playing with the camera.
b. He got in fight with the contractor.
c. He stepped on a rake.

Answer to be provided next week.